International Styles

Green Pea Soup Recipe

Wash a small quarter of lamb in cold water, and put it into a soup pot with six quarts of cold water; add to it two tablespoonfuls of salt, and set it over a moderate fire—let it boil mildly for two hours, then skim it clear; add a quart of shelled peas, and a teaspoonful of pepper; cover it, and let it boil for ½ an hour; then having scraped the skins from a quart of small young potatoes, add them to the soup; cover the pot and let it boil for ½ an hour longer; work quarter of a pound of butter and a dessertspoonful of flour together, and add them to the soup ten or twelve minutes before taking it off the stove. Serve the meat on a dish with parsley sauce over it, and the green pea soup in a tureen.

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