International Styles

History of Enameling

Enameling as an art is of very ancient origin, and the process of applying beautifully colored enamels to gold jewelry has been practiced for centuries.

The application of the art to household utensils, however, was first practiced by the French, and then introduced into Sweden, Germany, and England. Its introduction into the United States is comparatively recent, but today domestic enameled ware occupies a leading place in the market.

As in all manufactures, improvements in making enameled ware have been rapid and many. The old process was very slow, as the enamel was applied with a brush, instead of by dipping. The fusing also took 15 to 25 minutes instead of 1 to 4 as at present.

The United States ranks first in the production of serviceable, durable enameled utensils, and ships large quantities to South America.

The foreign-made ware is higher in price, and usually has four coats of very hard enamel which firmly adheres to the base. Since the outbreak of the European War, however, little or none is being imported and American manufacturers are supplying the constant demand.

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