International Styles

Boiled Lobster Recipe

Recipe and cooking ideas for boiled lobster tails.

Put a bit of salt into a large kettle or pot of boiling water. When the water boils hard put in the lobster, having first brushed it and tied the claws together with a bit of twine. Keep it boiling from 20 minutes to ½ an hour, according to its size. If boiled too long the lobster meat will be hard and stringy. When it is done take it out, lay it on its claws to drain, and then wipe it dry.

It is hardly needed to mention that the head of a lobster and the "lady fingers" must not be eaten.

Very large lobsters are not the best dish, the meat being coarse and tough. The male is best for boiling; the flesh is firmer and the shell a brighter red. It may readily be distinguished from the female; the tail is narrower, and the two uppermost fins within the tail are stiff and hard. Those of the hen lobster are not so, and the tail is broader.

Hen lobsters are preferred for sauce or salad, on account of their coral. The head and small claws are never used.

Lobsters should be alive and freshly caught when put into the boiling kettle. After being cooked and cooled, split open the body and tail and crack the claws, to extract the meat. The sand pouch found near the throat should be removed. Care should be exercised that none of the feathery, tough, gill like particles to be found under the body shell get mixed with the meat, as they are inedible and have caused much trouble. They are supposed to be the cause of so called poisoning from eating lobster.

Serve your boiled lobster on a platter. Lettuce and other concomitants of a salad should also be placed on the table or platter.

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