International Styles

Recipe for Chicken Fricasee

Cut up two young chickens, put them in a stewpan with just sufficient cold water to cover them. Cover closely and let them heat very slowly; then stew them over an hour, or until tender. If they are old chickens they will require long, slow boiling, often from three to four hours. When tender, season with salt and pepper, a bit of butter as sizeable as an egg, and some celery, if liked.

Stir up two tablespoons of flour in some water or milk and add to the stew, also two well-beaten yolks of eggs; let all boil up one minute; arrange the chicken fricasee on a warm platter, pour some of the gravy over it and send the rest to the dining table in a boat. The egg should be added to some of the cooled gravy before putting with the hot gravy.

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