The Advantages of Life Insurance to Society
The many advantages discussed in the preceding pages, it is apparent, will
greatly benefit the community as a whole if life insurance is widely used.
Mr. Holcombe writes:
It is clear that any agency which improves the mental or moral
attributes, or the material circumstances of any one of its citizens, raises
the condition of the community of which he is a member, and thus benefits
the state. Savings banks encourage thrift and produce accumulations which
would in many cases be otherwise wasted, and thus they constitute a distinct
and tangible benefit to the state. Life insurance promotes a sense of responsibility,
strengthens family ties, and thus elevates the general character of the
nation. It lessens those family discords which end in divorce, it checks
intemperance, and often by its requirements brings a realization of the
benefits of right living. . . . There can be no doubt, furthermore, that
life insurance curtails the expense to the public treasury, of almshouses
and police, of criminal courts and prisons, and of the various other necessary
branches of the public service which have to do with the prevention and
punishment of crime, and the relief of the suffering and unfortunate. ...
It is certain that in many cases the proceeds of a life-insurance policy
are practically all that remain at the death of the one responsible for
the support of helpless dependents, and in a vast number of these cases,
were it not for this aid, many persons would be forced to accept public
The value of life insurance as an agency for increasing the individual's
sense of responsibility, and for relieving the community of much needless
expense in supporting members of destitute families, has been recognized
for years by the governments of all civilized countries. As early as 1840
the state of New York enacted legislation to the general effect that any
life-insurance policy taken out for the benefit of a married woman, or assigned
to or held in trust for her, or which in case of her death before payment
is to inure to the use of her or her husband's children, was to be free
from all claims of creditors. A large number of our states have since enacted
legislation substantially similar in character, the laws, however, usually
providing that if the annual premium on said insurance should exceed a stipulated
amount (usually $300) the excess together with interest should be available
for satisfying the claims of creditors of the person paying the premium.
Many foreign governments have also done everything possible to encourage
the taking out of life insurance by adopting a very lenient policy of taxation,
although this very commendable method of encouraging the spread of life-insurance
protection has been neglected or refused by the several American commonwealths.
In conclusion, two general benefits of life insurance not yet discussed
should briefly be referred to as vitally affecting the entire community.
These are:
1. Through their enormous investments life-insurance companies have exerted
a powerful influence in the upbuilding of the industrial life of the nation.
Two hundred and fifty-nine companies, reported in the Insurance Year Book,
1913, show total admitted assets of $4,658,696,337, of which $1,617,873,512
represent investments in real-estate mortgages and $1,994,722,971 in corporate
bonds and stocks. The significance of these large totals becomes apparent
when it is stated that they represent the contributions over a long series
of years of millions of policyholders, each of whom has contributed his
little mite. The companies, in other words, have been the medium through
which a vast aggregation of small sums has been devoted to the furtherance
on a large scale of the nation's leading business interests. The investments
of nearly two billion dollars in bonds and stocks will be found to be fairly
well distributed over the principal transportation and other corporate properties
of the country and represent a very substantial part of the total funds
that have been necessary for their development. The $1,600,000,000 of real
estate mortgages also represent investments in properties located in all
parts of the country. Because of such loans, owners of real estate have
been enabled to erect buildings or otherwise improve their properties. Not
only have large sums been furnished for the development of cities and towns,
but for many years the companies have granted loans upon western and southern
farming lands, thus enabling the purchase, stocking, and cultivation of
large areas.
2. By carefully restricting the admission to membership and by requiring
answers to numerous questions relating to intemperate habits, the applicant's
attention is forcefully directed to the close relationship between temperate
living and longevity. Physical ailments are also frequently discovered for
the first time as a result of the physical examinations which the companies
require all applicants to undergo. The knowledge thus obtained leads to
the application of remedies, and results in the conservation of the value
of many lives for the benefit of the community.
The movement toward the conservation of health and life is receiving increasing
attention on the part of the companies, and has been a subject for special
consideration by various prominent life-insurance associations. Various
companies are already pursuing a policy of disseminating advice for the
treatment of various diseases and of offering periodical health examinations
for the detection of ailments. While the movement is yet in its infancy
the tremendous possibilities for good along this line cannot be overemphasized,
and the desirability of having life-insurance companies participate actively
in a comprehensive conservation movement is apparent. The possibilities
along this line have ably been set forth by the Life Extension Institute,
Inc. In a recent circular on "Life Extension Service for Life Insurance
Companies" the promoters of this Institute show clearly the desirability
of checking the life waste that is going on in our country as a result of
ignorance or defiance of the simple laws of health and express their belief
that by the study of problems relating to national vitality, by disseminating
knowledge of personal hygiene and the science of disease prevention, and
by offering and encouraging periodical health examinations to detect disease
in time to check or cure it, a substantial contribution to longevity and
to human happiness generally will be made".