International Styles

Boiled Potatoes Recipe

When ready to boil potatoes, pick them out as close as feasible of the same size, or the big ones will be hard when the small ones are reduced to pulp. If this cant easily be done, slice them to one size. Wash them thoroughly, take out the specks or eyes, and pare them as thinly as feasible, to avoid waste. As they are pared, throw them into cold water, and let them remain in it until needed. Put them into a saucepan with just sufficient cold water to cover them, and as soon as the water boils throw in a bit more cold water. This will check the heat, and keep the potatoes from breaking prior to they are done through. Thrust a fork into them now and again; and as soon as they are soft take them up, pour off the liquor, and let them stand by the side of the stove with the saucepan partially uncovered till the moisture has evaporated and they are quite boiled dry. If they are permitted to remain in the water after they are done sufficiently, they will turn soggy. Serve piping hot. When potatoes are done prior to being wanted, they ought to be drained and left in the saucepan by the side of the stove, and instead of the lid a folded cloth ought to be laid over them. This will absorb the moisture and keep them hot and in good condition for some time. In order to make boiled potatoes look floury, boil and drain them as above, and whilst they are drying by the side of the stove shake the saucepan vigorously every minute or two.

Potatoes Boiled in Their Jackets

Potatoes are often boiled and served in their jackets, and a small plate is placed by the side of each guest to receive the skins. The skins are often taken out prior to being served. Select potatoes of the same size, and scrub them with a soft brush until they are 100% clean. Put them into a saucepan with a small bit of cold water, not quite sufficient to cover them. Boil them as gently as feasible, because the more slowly they are cooked the better they will be. If a small amount of salt is thrown in now and again, it will be found a great improvement. If the potatoes are big, add ½ a cupful of cold water every now and after that. In order to ascertain whether or not they are done sufficiently, test them now and again with a fork, and when they are tender throughout, pour off the water, put the saucepan once more on the stove, and let it remain until the potatoes are quite dry. Send them to table.

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