How to Carve Chicken, Cutting up Chicken
Instructions on preparing whole chicken for cooking.
First insert the knife between the leg and the body, and cut to
the bone; then turn the leg back with the fork, and if the chicken
is tender the joint will give away easily. The wing is broken off
the same way, only dividing the joint with the knife, in the direction
from 1 to 2. The four quarters having been removed in this way,
take off the merry-thought and the neck-bones; these last are to
be removed by putting the knife in at figs. 3 and 4, pressing it
hard, when they will break off from the part that sticks to the
breast. To separate the breast from the body of the chicken, cut
through the tender ribs close to the breast, quite down to the tail.
Now turn the chicken over, back upwards; put the knife into the
bone midway between the neck and the rump, and on raising the lower
end it will separate readily. Turn now the rump from you, and take
off very neatly the two side bones, and the chicken is carved. In
separating the thigh from the drumstick, the knife must be inserted
exactly at the joint, for if not accurately hit, some difficulty
will be experienced to get them apart; this is easily acquired by
practice. There is no difference in carving roast and boiled chickens
if full grown; but in very young chickens the breast is usually
served whole; the wings and breast are considered the best parts,
but in young ones the legs are the most juicy. In the case of a
capon or large chicken, slices may be cut off at the breast, the
same as carving a pheasant. |