Shad Fish Recipes
Broiled Shad Fish
How to broil a shad. Split and wash the shad and afterwards dry
it in a cloth. Season it with salt and pepper. Have ready a bed
of clear, bright coals. Grease your gridiron well, and as soon as
it is hot, lay the shad upon it, the flesh side down; cover with
a dripping-pan and broil it for about a ¼ of one hour, or more,
according to the thickness. Butter it well and deliver it to the table.
Covering it while broiling gives it a more delicious flavor.
Baked Shad
Many people are of the opinion that the very best method of cooking
a shad is to bake it. Stuff it with bread crumbs, salt, pepper,
butter and parsley, and mix this up with the beaten yolk of egg;
fill the fish with it, and sew it up or fasten a string around it.
Pour over it a bit of water and some butter, and bake as you would
a fowl. A shad will require from an hour to an hour and a ¼
to bake. Garnish with slices of lemon, water cress, etc.
Dressing for Baked Shad: Boil up the gravy in which the shad was
baked, put in a big table spoonful of catsup, a table spoonful of
brown flour which has been wet with cold water, the juice of a lemon,
and a glass of sherry or Madeira wine. Serve in a sauce boat.
Cooking Shad Roe
Drop into boiling water and cook gently for twenty minutes; then
take from the stove and drain. Butter a tin plate and lay the drained
roe upon it. Dredge well with salt and pepper and spread soft butter
over it; then dredge thickly with flour. Cook in the oven for ½
an hour, basting frequently with salt, pepper, flour, butter and
Or: First partly boil them in a small covered pan, remove and
season them with salt, a bit of pepper, dredge with flour and fry
as any fish. |