Lobster Patties Recipe
Easy homemade lobster patties recipe.
Cut some boiled lobster in small pieces; then take the small claws
and the spawn, put them in an appropriate dish, and jam them to a paste
with a potato masher. Now add to them a ladleful of gravy or broth,
with a few bread crumbs; set it over the fire and boil; strain it
through a strainer, or sieve, to the thickness of a cream, and put
½ of it to your lobsters, and save the other ½ to sauce them
with after they are baked.
Put to the lobster the size of an egg of butter, a little pepper
and salt; squeeze in a lemon, and warm these over the fire enough
to melt the butter, set it to cool, and sheet your patty pan or
a plate or dish with good puff paste, then put in your lobster,
and cover it with a paste; bake it within ¾ of an hour
before you want it; when it is baked, cut up your cover, and warm
up the other ½ of your sauce above mentioned, with a little butter,
to the thickness of cream, and pour it over your patty, with a little
squeezed lemon; cut your cover in two, and lay it on the top, two
inches distant, so that what is under may be seen. You may bake
crawfish, shrimps or prawns the same way; and they are all proper
for plates or little dishes for a second course. |