Roast Wild Duck Recipe
Wild ducks make great roasting material. Wild duck should not be dressed too soon after being killed. If the weather is cold it will be better for being kept several days. Bake in a hot oven, allowing it remain for five or ten minutes without basting to keep in the gravy, then baste often with butter and water. If over done it loses flavour, 30 to 40 minutes in the right kind of an oven being enough. Serve on a very hot plate, and send to table as hot as possible with a cut lemon and the following sauce:— Put in a tiny saucepan a tablespoonful each of Worcestershire sauce and mushroom catsup, a little salt and cayenne pepper and the juice of half a lemon. Mix well, make it hot, remove from the fire and stir in a teaspoonful of made mustard. Pour into a hot gravy boat. |