Veal Stew Recipe
One of the best veal stew recipes, cooking veal stew.
Cut up two or three pounds of veal into pieces three inches long
and one thick. Wash it, put it into your stew pan with two quarts
of water, allow it to boil, skim it well, and when all the scum is removed,
add salt and pepper to your taste, and a small piece of butter;
pare and cut in halves twelve small Irish potatoes, put them into
the stew pan; when it boils, have ready a batter made with two eggs,
two spoonfuls of cream or milk, a bit of salt, and flour enough
to make it a bit of thicker than for pancakes; drop this into the
stew, a spoonful at a time, while it is boiling; when all is in,
cover the pan closely so that no steam can escape; allow the veal stew to boil twenty
minutes and serve in a deep dish. |