International Styles

Cooking Veal Cutlets

Free veal cutlet recipe for cooking fried veal cutlets.

Put into a frying pan two or three tablespoons of lard or beef drippings. When boiling hot lay in the cutlets, well seasoned with salt and pepper and dredged with flour. Brown well both sides of the cutlets, then remove the meat, and if you have more grease than is needed for the gravy put it aside for later use. Reserve a tablespoon or more and rub into it a tablespoon of flour, with the back of the spoon, until it is a smooth, rich brown color; then add gradually a cup of cold water and season with salt and pepper. When the gravy is boiled up well return the meat to the pan and gravy. Cover it closely and allow it to stew gently on the back of the range for fifteen minutes. This softens the meat, and with this gravy veal cutlets make a lovely breakfast dish.

Another way is to simply fry the cutlets, and afterwards turning off some of the grease they were fried in and then adding to that left in the pan a couple of drops of hot water, turning the whole over the fried chops.

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