International Styles

Calves Recipes, Calf Recipes

Recipes for calves heads, brains, and liver.

Calves Liver Recipe

Slice the liver a ¼ of an inch thick; pour hot water over it and allow it to remain for a couple of minutes to clear it from blood; then dry it in a cloth. Take a pound of bacon, or as much as you require, and cut the same number of thin slices as you have of liver; fry the bacon to a lovely crisp; remove it and keep it hot; then fry the liver in the same pan, having first seasoned it with salt and pepper and dredged in a bit of flour; lay it in the hot bacon fat and fry it a lovely brown. Serve it with a slice of bacon on the top of each slice of liver.

If you want some gravy with it, pour off most of the fat from the frying pan, put in about two ounces of butter, a tablespoon of flour well rubbed in, add a cup of water, salt and pepper, boil it once and serve in a gravy boat.

Alternatively cut the liver in lovely thin slices, pour boiling water over it and allow it to stand about five minutes; then drain and put in a dripping pan with three or four thin slices of salt pork or bacon; salt and pepper and put in the oven, letting it cook until properly finished, then serve with a cream or milk gravy poured over it.

Calf's liver and bacon are very good broiled after cutting each in thin slices. Season with butter, salt and pepper.

Baked Calves Head Recipe

Boil a calves head (after having cleaned it) until tender, then split the head in half, and keep the best half (bone it if you like); cut the meat from the other in uniform pieces, the size of an oyster; put bits of butter, the size of a nutmeg, all over the best half of the head; sprinkle pepper over it, and dredge on flour until it looks white, then set it on a trivet or muffin rings in a dripping pan; add a cup of water into the pan, and set it in a hot oven; turn it that it may brown evenly; baste once or twice.

While this is cooking, dip the prepared pieces of the head in wheat flour or batter, and fry in hot lard or beef drippings a delicate brown; season with salt and pepper and slices of lemon, if liked. When the roast is finished put it on a hot dish, lay the fried pieces around it, and cover it with a tin cover; put the gravy from the dripping pan into the pan in which the pieces were fried, with the slices of lemon, and a tablespoon of browned flour, and, if necessary, a bit of hot water. Let it Boil once, and strain it into a gravy boat, and serve with the meat.

Calf's Head Cheese

Boil a calf's head in water enough to cover it, until the meat leaves the bones; then take it with a skimmer into a wooden bowl or tray; take from it every particle of bone; chop it small; season with salt and pepper, a heaping tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper will be sufficient; if liked, add a tablespoon of finely chopped sweet herbs; lay in a cloth in a colander, put the minced up meat into it, then fold the cloth closely over it, lay a plate over, and on it a gentle weight. When cold it can be sliced thin for supper or sandwiches. Spread each slice with made mustard.

Calf Brain Cutlets

Well wash the brains and soak them in cold water until white. Parboil them until tender in a small saucepan for aprrox. a ¼ of an hour; then properly drain them and place them on a board. Divide them into small pieces with a knife. Dip each piece into flour, and then roll them in egg and bread crumbs, and fry them in butter or well-clarified drippings. Serve very hot with gravy. Another way of doing brains is to prepare them as above, and then stew them gently in rich stock, like stewed sweetbreads. They are also lovely plainly boiled and served with parsley and butter sauce.

Boiled Calves Head Recipe

Put the head into boiling water and allow it to remain about five minutes; remove it, hold it by the ear, and with the back of the knife scrape off the hair (should it not come off easily dip the head again in boiling water.) When perfectly clean take out the eyes, cut off the ears and remove the brain, which soak for an hour in warm water. Put the head to soak in hot water a couple of minutes to make it look white, and then have ready a stew pan, into which lay the head; cover it with cold water and bring it gradually to boil. Remove the scum and add a bit of salt, which increases it and causes it to rise to the top.

Simmer it very gently from two and a half to three hours, or until the bones will slip out easily, and when nearly finished, boil the brains fifteen or twenty minutes; skin and chop them (not too finely), add a tablespoon of minced up parsley which has been previously scalded; also a pinch of pepper, salt; then stir into this four tablespoons of melted butter; set it on the back of the range to keep it hot. When the head is finished, take it up and drain very dry. Score the top and rub it over with melted butter; dredge it with flour and set it in the oven to brown.

When you serve the head, have it accompanied with a gravy boat of melted butter and minced up parsley.

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