International Styles

Beef Steak Recipes

Free beef steaks recipes.

Beef Steak Recipe

The first consideration in broiling steak is to have a clear, glowing bed of coals. The steak need to be about three-quarters of an inch in thickness, and need to be pounded only in extreme cases, i.e., when it is cut too thick and is "stringy." Lay it on a buttered gridiron, turning it often, as it begins to drip, attempting nothing else while cooking it. Have everything else ready for the table; the potatoes and vegetables dished and in the warming closet. Do not season it until it is done, which will be in about ten to twelve minutes. Remove it to a warm platter, pepper and salt it on both sides and spread a liberal lump of butter over it. Serve at once while hot. No definite rule can be given as to the time of cooking steak, individual tastes differ so widely in regard to it, some only liking it when well done, others so rare that the blood runs out of it. The best pieces for broiling are the porterhouse and sirloin.

Beef Steak Recipe 2

Take a smooth, thick-bottomed frying pan, scald it out with hot water, and wipe it dry; set it on the stove or range, and when very hot, rub it over the bottom with a rag dipped in butter; then place your steak or chops in it, turn often until cooked through, take up on a warm platter, and season both sides with salt, pepper and butter. Serve hot.

Many prefer this manner of cooking steak rather than broiling or frying in a quantity of grease.

Steak and Onions

Prepare the steak in the usual way. Have ready in a frying pan a dozen onions cut in slices and fried brown in a bit of beef drippings or butter. Dish your steak, and lay the onions thickly over the top. Cover and let stand five minutes, then send to the table hot.

Steak and Oysters

Broil the steak the usual way. Put one quart of oysters with very little of the liquor into a stew pan upon the fire; when it comes to a boil, take off the scum that may rise, stir in three ounces of butter mixed with a table-spoon of sifted flour, let it boil one minute until it thickens, pour it over the steak. Serve hot.

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