International Styles

Meat & Potato Croquettes Recipe

Put in a stew pan an ounce of butter and a slice of onion minced fine; when this simmers add a level table-spoon of sifted flour; stir the mixture until it becomes smooth and frothy; then add ½ of a cup of milk, some seasoning of salt and pepper; let all boil, stirring it all the while. Now add a cup of cold meat chopped fine, and a cup of cold or hot mashed potato. Mix all thoroughly and spread on a plate to cool. When it is cool enough, shape it with your hands into balls or rolls. Dip them in beaten egg and roll in cracker or bread crumbs. Drop them into hot lard and fry about two minutes a delicate brown; take them out with a skimmer and drain them on a piece of brown paper. Serve immediately while hot. Potato croquettes are very lovely.

Cold rice or hominy can be used in place of the potato; or a cup of cold fish minced fine in place of the meat.

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