Legal Interpretation of the Policy and Application General Rules Underlying
Court Decisions Affecting Life Insurance
Policy forms are necessarily general in character, and are drawn to meet
a general situation and not with reference to particular cases. Yet, it
is apparent that-innumerable instances arise which require a special interpretation
of the general terms of the contract in order to realize the essential purpose
of the contract, viz, to protect against loss. There is scarcely a provision
in the policy to-day which has not heen the subject of interpretation by
the courts, and there are few provisions concerning which, chiefly because
of ambiguity in the wording, varying circumstances surrounding the loss,
or statutory requirements, there are not conflicting opinions. Frequently
also the interests of the insured seem at variance with the interests of
the insurer, with the result that the attitude of state legislatures has
often been one of hostility. Under these conditions, it is to be expected
that disputes will frequently occur as to the interpretation which shall
be given to the general provisions of the policy when unexpected circumstances
surround the particular loss. But however great the conflict of authority
has become, there are certain legal principles which underlie the interpretation
of the application as well as policy provisions, and which are kept in mind
by the courts as guiding principles in their efforts to- interpret the contract.
Briefly summarized, the important principles to which reference is had are
the following:
1. Unlike fire-insurance contracts, life-insurance policies,
although the indemnification of the value of the human life in case of premature
death should be their essential object, cannot be regarded by the courts
as purely contracts of indemnity. Instead, these contracts are held to be
fc contracts to pay a certain sum in the event of death/5 This general ruling
has an important bearing upon the subject of insurable interest in life
insurance., and will be referred to further in the chapter on "Insurable
Interest." The chief difficulty that the courts have encountered in disposing
of this legal phase of the subject seems to have presented itself in those
cases where creditors (or persons similarly situated) take out policies
on the lives of their debtors with a view to securing the indebtedness.
In such instances some leading authorities hold that life-insurance contracts
are for indemnity only.
2. Whenever the wording of any provision in the contract
permits of more than one construction the courts will give the benefit of
the doubt to the insured on the ground that the insured is obliged to take
the form of policy offered by the companies and which was framed by them
in their own. interest. Forfeitures are not favored by the courts, and conflicting
provisions or ambiguous language will, therefore, be so construed as to
give effect to the contract. As the United States Supreme Court has ruled:
"Where a policy of insurance is so framed as to leave room for two constructions,
the words used should be interpreted most strongly against the insurer.
This exception rests upon the ground that the companies, attorneys, officers,
or agents prepared the policy and it is their language that must be interpreted."
Admitting that this is a reasonable rule where the company is free to frame
the policy, the question arises as to whether this same ruling should be
applied where the policy form, or portions thereof, are prescribed and made
compulsory by law.2 Judging from the case of Matthews v. American Central
Insurance Company (154 1ST. Y. 449), which decided the question favorably
to the insured as regards the New York Standard Fire Policy, it would seem
probable that a similar construction might be extended to standard life-insurance
policies. 1
3. Since policy forms are necessarily general in character
and cannot meet all particular contingencies, although this is not so generally
true in life insurance as in fire and other forms of property insurance,
it follows that special or written agreements must often be indorsed on
the contract with a view to modifying the original terms of the policy form.
Where this is done, it is a universally recognized principle that whenever
there is a difference in meaning between any indorsement and the policy
form itself, the superimposed parts of the contract, whether written, stamped,
or printed, control the regular provisions of the policy. This principle
is based on the theory that indorsements on the policy must be considered
as later in date than the policy itself, thus representing the latest agreement
between the parties. If ambiguity exists in the wording of any such indorsements,
the insured must again be given the benefit of the doubt. Similarly, if
the written portion of the regular policy is inconsistent with the printed
portion, the former will be upheld since it refers to this particular contract
as distinguished from the general form which the parties frequently do not
bother to revise in conformity with the written portion.
4. In the absence of conflicting provisions or ambiguity
in language, however, no discretion can be exercised by the court to modify
the contract in such a way as to bring about an adjustment which it may
regard as more just than the strict enforcement of the contract as it stands.
5. Generally speaking, the construction of the contract
will be according to the laws and usages of the place where the contract
is made.
Footnote 1.
The court in this case decided that: "The policy, although of
the standard form, was prepared by the insurers, who are presumed to have
had their own interests primarily in. view, and hence, when the meaning
is doubtful, it should be construed most favorably to the insured, who had
nothing to do with the preparation thereof. Moreover, when a literal construction
would lead to manifest injustice to the insured and a liberal but still
reasonable construction would prevent injustice by not requiring an impossibility,
the latter should be adopted because the parties are presumed, when the
language used by them permits} to have intended a reasonable and not an
unreasonable result."
Footnote 2.
In discussing this rule and exceptions thereto, Richards makes
the following comments:
"This rule is peculiarly appropriate to this branch of the law because in
insurance there may be several places where the contract is operative one
place for the payment of premiums, another for the payment of loss, and
a third for the location of the subject of insurance. But if the policy
provides that the premiums and loss are to be payable at the home office,
the latter place would seem to be the place of performance, and there would
in that case be cogent reason for holding, in analogy to the general rule,
that its law is to prevail in the construction of the policy. It is often
important to determine by what law the validity and effect of the policy
are to be governed, because the statutory provisions, as well as usages
and decisions, relating to the insurance contract vary greatly in different
states, and such statutes generally have no extraterritorial effect.
"If the policy provides that it will not be binding until countersigned
at a certain agency, the agency is ordinarily the place of contract; so
if the policy is sent to the agent for delivery on receipt of the premium;
but if the application is accepted at the home office, and the policy mailed
from there to the applicant in another state, the home office will be the
place of contract. As a general thing the contract is considered made where
the last act necessary to complete it is done." RICHABDS, GEOBGE, Treatise
on the Law of Insurance, 113-114.
Sections in Chapter 28.