Method of Arriving at the Rate of Earnings
Ordinarily the rate of interest on an investment is ascertained by dividing
the amount of interest received during the year by the amount invested.
In life insurance, however, this simple method cannot be applied since the
companies are. constantly increasing their funds during the course of the
year, partly because the payments received from policyholders exceed claims
and other expenditures and partly because interest earnings are constantly
coming in and are immediately reinvested. In other words the funds invested
at the end of the year are, as a rule, considerably higher than the funds
invested at the beginning of the year, and it is, therefore, necessary to
ascertain the rate on the mean invested funds. While there is no one method
universally followed by the companies in this respect, the general plan
most commonly used has been explained by Mr. Henry Moir as follows:
If the interest earned in any year were divided by the funds invested at
the beginning of the year, then those companies which, had a large increase
in their funds would appear too favorably in the comparison. On the other
hand, if the year's interest were divided by the funds at the end of the
year the converse would hold. For measuring the interest earned by life-assurance
companies a middle course is usually followed, and the following formula
has been suggested as a good basis, namely:
Average rate earned = 2I over A+B-I
In which I represents the total interest earned during the year; A the
funds at the beginning of the year; and B the funds at the end of the year.