International Styles

Woodland Seat

This building is meant to be composed chiefly of unbarked wood, which is ordinarily the refuse of trees felled and sawn into square timbers for the carpenter. To receive these native pieces, a framework is to be erected, and to which they are to be fixed; and here the ingenuity of the selecter of the materials would be fully employed, for much of the design consists in the choice and disposal of the planks and pieces, so that by its colour it may claim attention, independent of its outline and general proportions.

The various sizes of the materials, the colour and texture of the bark when contrasted with the dark browns and yellow hues of the sawn surfaces of the timber, allow plenty of means for an effective display of taste, particularly as they may be disposed in infinite variety. The tipper roof is meant to be covered with reed thatching.

Woodland Seat

The seat ought to be placed on the border of an elevated wood or coppice, at a short distance from the home: here it would add relief and force to its sombre or secluded character, become a resting place and a shelter from hot weather or rain, and induce the visitor more satisfactorily to contemplate the prospects its situation may command.

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