International Styles

Garden Alcove

The design of an alcove is represented as seated on an eminence, facing an extensive portion of a garden, and in order to become an ornamental feature from the walks. The stile of this little building is light and elegant, but of no specific architectural character; and from its arrangements and design ought to be rather splendid in its finishing, than otherwise.

Garden Alcove

The pillars are of iron, and from them are suspended China pattera of rich colours: the chains are gilt, as is also the terminal of the roof. The scale like forms of the roof covering are of thin lead; and may be richly painted; indeed, the whole ought to be so decorated as to become highly ornamental, and be in splendid harmony with its accompanying parterres and flower beds - its aspect ought to be north, to insure shade in the summer, and look forward on the effects of sunshine before it, which would be augmented to the spectator by being viewed from a shaded place - this circumstance ought to be attended to in all buildings of the flower garden, erected for alcoves not meant for the reception of plants; and, in general, where garden seats are erected they ought to be disposed with reference to the seasons of the year; so it is desirable to have a retreat facing the sun for the spring and autumn, and for summer, one that allows plenty of shade and free ventilation.

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